Whether it’s you or someone you suffers from sleep apnea  you are not alone.

Sleep apnea is an extremely common chronic sleep condition that varies in severity.

If you have already tried various treatments with no luck, then you may want to consider certain essential oils to help ease symptoms.


Sleep apnea is a very common sleep disorder that is characterized by regular pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep.

Pauses in your breathing can occour as many as 30 times in an hour with each pause lasting from just a few seconds or as long as up to 1 minute before normal breathing starts again, often with a snorting or choking sound.

Not everyone suffering from snoring is suffering from sleep apnea. People who snore but who do not have apnea are referred to as “simple snorers”.

People with sleep apnea can be at a higher risk for Atrial Fibrillation (Afib) is an irregular heartbeat that can lead to serious issues such as blood clots and stroke.

If you think you may be suffering from sleep apnea be sure to visit a doctor before trying any home remedies.


Sleep apnea can be difficult diagnose and it is possible to have the condition without ever being aware of it.

Your partner might complain about you snoring or tell you that you have stopped breathing frequently.

Other common symptoms can include:

  • Snoring loudly.
  • Waking abruptly and feeling like you cant breather.
  • Waking up with a headache, dry mouth or a sore throat.
  • Fatigue and sleepiness during the day despite getting enough hours of sleep.
  • Feeling irritability during the day.
  • Problems with attention and concentration.



Essential oils have been used effectively to alleviate sleep complaints ranging from nervous insomnia to snoring. Certain essential oils can be an effective remedy for obstructive sleep apnea.

Essential oils are safe and easy to use and the following oils have been used with success in treating sleep apnea as well as other sleep conditions.


Majoram is a comforting oil with a sedative effect to help induce sleep. Marjoram oil is perfect for sleep conditions like sleep apnea. It is also effective for calming the nerves, relaxing the muscles and easing  respiratory complaintsFor the treatment of sleep apnea, try rubbing a few drops of marjoram oil into the soles of the feet and the underside of your toes. It is also very effective in a diffuser next to your bed.


A great way to use lavender oil is by massaging a few drops of oil into your feet, neck, and chest before bedtime to ensure a disruption-free sleep. Lavender oil has a wide range of diverse therapeutic abilities. It is very well known as a relaxant for those suffering from nervous disorders and sleep problems. Many people have found that lavender oil can ease the disruptions caused by sleep apnea and snoring and is effective in treatment of insomnia.


If your sleep apnea is triggered by nasal congestion, try peppermint to help ease the irritation and inflammation in the lining of your nasal passage. There are a few ways you can use peppermint oil to treat your sleep apnea. You can simply rub a drop of peppermint oil under each nostril before bedtime or inhale the vapors using a facial steam bath. Alternatively, you can add a drop or two to a glass of water and gargle it each night before bed making sure you don’t ingest it though!


Like peppermint, eucalyptus is a fantastic treatment for sleep apnea caused by congestion. It has anti-inflammatory properties will help to clear any mucus from the nose and throat leaving your airways clear making breathing through the night easier. Dilute the eucalyptus oil in a carrier oil before dabbingbelow each nostril, do this right before bed. Steam inhalation is a little more time consuming but it is the superior treatment method when using eucalyptus.


Roman chamomile essential oil helps with relaxation and promotes sound sleep. It also assists with treatment of problems with the central nervous system and can be especially useful for those suffering from obstructive sleep apnea.


Thyme essential oil is highly effective for treatment of sleep apnea and for snoring. It is used aggravate sleep apnea symptoms. If you are going to apply thyme oil topically, it must be diluted first in a suitable carrier oil.  Alternatively, you can diffuse the oil near your bed through the night to aid your breathing and help you have a restful sleep.


Geranium is  widely used to promote calm and good sleep. Massaging a few drops of geranium oil into your chest, neck, and feet before bed is an excellent remedy for alleviating sleep disruptions caused by sleep apnea. Be sure to dilute geranium oil prior to topical use.

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